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The Truth about God the Father

The Trinity – The Idol of the Churches

An idol has been set up in the churches today. It is not an idol of gold or silver, of wood or stone.

Who is "the only true God"?

John 17:1, 3 Father… And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the ONLY TRUE GOD, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

Why is God the Father the Only True God?

What did Christ mean in His prayer when He said His Father is THE ONLY TRUE GOD? (John 17:3)

The One True God in the 3 Angels Messages

The Three Angels Messages is a set of important messages that has been proclaimed to the world since the 1800's. And we find these messages in Revelation 14. These messages are of so great importance that they are shown as being proclaimed with 'LOUD VOICES'.

Is God a TrinityDavid Clayton
00:00 / 1:31:35
The Omega of the Deadly HeresiesDavid Clayton
00:00 / 1:30:40
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