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Thank you for visiting our website. We are excited to share our testimonies and the many life-changing experiences we've encountered. Our goal is to provide and share resources and information that we have found helpful in leading a sanctified life in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

May God's blessings be upon you as He guides you to all truth.

Tony & Rosemary, Australia

How we came to know God
and how we were lead to
know and accept this truth

PART 1 - Rosemary's Testimony

I used to be deeply immersed in the spiritual realm, dabbling in fortune-telling, exploring theories about aliens, and all sorts of peculiar things. Yet, amidst all this, I also believed in God. My driving force was an intense desire to uncover the real meaning of life. I wasn’t content to simply live "this life"; I needed to understand why we are here and discover the "true" purpose behind it all.


In early 2006, my brother Sambo introduced me to a Presbyterian church he had been attending for a short while and handed me a Bible. I remember at that time, I didn’t even know what a Bible was! I had seen them lying around, but I had no clue about their content. When he invited me to visit his church, I almost laughed, but curiosity got the better of me. He started telling me about his church, about his God, and even gave me his spare Bible to read. Out of sheer curiosity, I decided to give it a chance, opened the Bible for the first time in my life, and began to read.

I started with the very first chapter of Genesis, and as I read, I found it somewhat intriguing. After a few pages, I remember rushing back to Sambo, asking, "Is this really true, or is it just a fairy tale? Because it sure sounds like one!" I also asked, "Is this really what God is like? Is this really how our world was created and how the human race began? Are our first parents really Adam and Eve?" I had so many questions, and eventually, Sambo invited me to join him at church that coming Sunday. With my mind buzzing with questions, I decided to go and even joined a cell group at his church.


As I delved deeper into the Bible, I encountered things that seemed contradictory and didn’t align with what was being preached at the church. The first major conflict I grappled with was the idea of eternal torment in hell. How could a loving God allow the wicked to burn in hell forever while the saved supposedly live happily ever after in heaven, fully aware of this endless suffering? It seemed like a glaring contradiction! How could a God of love permit such a thing?


I posed this question to a cell leader, and his response was, "There are certain things we cannot understand right now, but when we get to heaven, we will." Not satisfied, I asked another cell leader, who told me, "When we’re in heaven, we’ll be so consumed with all the good things there that we’ll forget about the tormented sinners below." Still dissatisfied, I asked a pastor, who said, "God will show us all their wickedness, and we’ll agree that they deserve eternal punishment. God may even remodel our minds, taking away parts of our conscience so that we don’t remember those burning in hell."


These answers left me deeply unsettled, and as other conflicts arose, doubts and alarm bells started ringing in my mind. Still, I kept reading the Bible and continued attending the Presbyterian church, hoping that one day everything would make sense.


A few months later, Sambo, who had introduced me to the Bible and his church, did a complete 180 degree turn and announced he was no longer attending church. He said he had discovered a new truth and introduced me to the Rosicrucian Order. This was something entirely different—based on mysticism, where members study and practice the metaphysical laws governing the universe. They seek to gain ultimate knowledge of God through direct experience, bypassing the mind, and believe they can become gods themselves, possessing the inner power to control anything as they ascend to higher levels of enlightenment.


A year into this, Sambo made another turn and introduced me to the theory of aliens—specifically Bashar. Later on, he introduced me to the concept of parallel universes, or the multiverse—a theory that suggests our universe is just one of many, with countless parallel universes existing alongside ours. According to this theory, every being or soul can live and exist simultaneously in multiple dimensions, depending on their frequency level. Despite all these strange theories and religious concepts, I continued to attend the Presbyterian Church, growing increasingly confused.


Eventually, I reached a breaking point. I was so confused and frustrated that I couldn’t continue on like this. I found myself in a state of spiritual limbo, desperate to discover the truth once and for all.


One morning in 2007, I prayed to God with all my heart. With pain swirling in my chest and tears streaming down my face, I cried out: "Dear God, I believe there is a God, and I know You are there, but what kind of God are You? Are You some sort of energy field? Are You a spirit? Do You have some kind of form? Please let me know who or what You are. I am desperate to know the truth. Please, God, reveal Your truth to me! I only want to know Your truth. For me, there is no meaning to life if I can’t live in truth, and I don’t want to waste my life living in falsehood. So, dear God, even if I have to suffer in order for You to reveal Your truth to me, whatever it takes, I am willing!"


After that prayer, I got up knowing, with all my heart, that God had heard me and would answer. How or when, I did not know, but I truly believed that one day the truth would be shown to me.


A month after that prayer, on a Monday morning, I woke up to get ready for work as usual, but suddenly noticed an excruciating pain in my chest—it was so intense I could hardly breathe. My family called the ambulance, and I was rushed to the hospital, where I learned that I had Spontaneous Pneumothorax (my left lung had collapsed by 70%).


After a week in the hospital, I was suddenly awakened at 4 AM. I sat up in bed, closed my eyes, and prepared to pray for healing when something extraordinary happened—something I had never experienced before. Fully awake, with my eyes closed, I was shown what seemed like four visions. Now, I know that the definition of a vision in the Bible or prophecy is different from my experience, and I’m not claiming to be a prophet, but I don’t know how else to describe what I saw.


The best way I can explain it is that it was like watching a full-colour movie made up of four mini-scenes that played one after the other. After each scene, I had the chance to ask God what they meant, and He revealed the answers to me in a two-way conversation, as if through telepathy—He heard the questions in my mind, and I heard His answers. For simplicity’s sake, I’ve since referred to this experience as my “Four Visions.”




Vision 1:

I found myself in a room, drawn to an unusual sight. There, seated in front of a gigantic computer that filled the entire space, was a lady scientist. She was dressed in a long white robe that gave her an air of quiet majesty, and her thoughtful expression revealed the depth of her concentration. With great love and earnest interest, she leaned forward, peering through a microscope while carefully tinkering with the intricate parts of the machine.

It was a strange and peculiar sight, one that made me pause and ask God what it all meant and why He was showing me this image.


God, in His gentle wisdom, began to reveal the deeper meaning. He explained that just as this thoughtful scientist is the creator of that enormous computer, He too is the Creator of the entire universe. Just as the scientist knows every detail about the computer—how it functions, how to fix it when it breaks down, and where every component is, down to the tiniest screws and bolts—so too is God all-knowing. With unconditional love and profound interest, He sees and understands everything about me and every other creature in the universe. He even knows the number of hairs on my head! Nothing is hidden from Him.

Furthermore, just as this scientist existed before the creation of the computer, God existed before time itself and before the creation of the entire universe. He is the Alpha and the Omega.

And just as this majestic scientist has a unique individual form, personality, and character, so does God.

It wasn’t until later that the full truth of this vision sank in, when I came across the verse: "So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them" (Genesis 1:27).  Later still, I learned that God's character is revealed in the Ten Commandments and especially in the life of His begotten Son, Jesus Christ.

Once I received all these answers and began to understand who God truly is, He revealed the next vision…

Vision 2:

I found myself standing in a very old, dark alleyway with a ceiling looming overhead. The place felt dreadfully dark, gloomy, and eerily spooky. The walls and ceiling were cloaked in thick cobwebs, teeming with spiders and creepy crawlies. (Back then, the thing I feared most—my absolute terror—was spiders and cobwebs. I would squeal until my throat was raw and leap about like a madwoman at the mere sight of a spider, even the tiniest ones. Yes, I had a full-blown phobia of spiders.)

So, there I was, in this frightful scene, surrounded by small and large spiders crawling everywhere. The atmosphere was cold, lonely, and utterly desolate. I was terrified and utterly bewildered, not knowing what to do or where to go, for all I could see was endless darkness with no hint of hope or escape. But deep down, I knew I couldn’t give up. After desperately scanning the area for what felt like an eternity, I finally noticed something at the end of the alleyway: an impossibly thick wall of cobwebs—30 centimetres thick, if not more—and behind it, a door, the only door in sight. The cobwebs completely engulfed the door, and in that moment, I realised that this door was my only hope, my only escape from this dreadful place!

Despite my fear and uncertainty, I slowly inched towards the thick cobwebs at the end of the alleyway. But as I did, the spiders and creepy crawlies seemed to sense my movement, swarming closer as if trying to prevent me from reaching the door. What initially appeared to be a short distance now seemed like a marathon, as the distractions and fears that plagued me along the way made the journey unbearably long and exhausting. But with every ounce of determination, I finally reached the cobweb-covered door. Oh, how I despised cobwebs... Now what? Afraid and unsure, I took a deep breath and plunged forward, arms outstretched, trying to break through the cobwebs. But to my utter surprise, they wouldn’t budge. I tried again and again, with all my might, but it was no use. The cobwebs remained stubbornly intact.

Confused and disheartened, I came to the disappointing realisation that I couldn’t break through the cobwebs on my own. Yet, I was more determined than ever, filled with an eager desire to discover what lay beyond the door. With great desperation and an intense longing to reach the door, I focused all my attention on it, through the thick veil of cobwebs. Then, out of nowhere, a tiny ray of light began to shine through the closed door, piercing the thick cobwebs and illuminating the once-dark alleyway. Surprised and excited, I focused on the light with renewed zeal, and as I did, the light grew brighter, stronger, and wider, eventually slicing through a third of the cobwebs.

But then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw something moving towards me, and I got distracted. My focus on that marvellous, powerful light wavered, and when I looked, I saw another creepy spider approaching. Oh no, not again! With more urgency and desperation, I refocused on the light, only to see it starting to shrink and fade away. The thick cobwebs, once pierced by the light, were already beginning to mend. With renewed determination, I concentrated all my attention back onto the fading light. This time, I was resolved to cling to it with all my might, no matter what.

Slowly, the glorious light began to grow brighter and stronger once more, slicing through the cobwebs until, finally, it broke through the entire web. With excitement, I pressed forward to the now fully exposed door, and to my amazement, it swung open on its own. I stepped through, filled with joy.

What I saw beyond that door was nothing short of breathtaking! I found myself standing on a balcony overlooking what could only be described as paradise. Its splendour and beauty were surely of another era, so beautiful that words fall short of capturing its glory. But because I was standing on a balcony, I could not yet step into that paradise.

In awe, I asked God what it all meant.

God showed me that the dark, cold, and lonely alleyway represents the life of a true Christian. It’s not a popular or easy path (which I later learned from the Bible is indeed the narrow way). The spiders, which I feared most, represent my personal weaknesses that I must overcome and gain victory over. The creepy crawlies and all the distractions represent the challenges and trials a Christian must face and overcome to reach the promised land—God’s new kingdom.

"Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:" Matthew 7:13. "Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." Matthew 7:14.

I was shown that the thick cobwebs, which I couldn’t break through with my own hands and strength, represent our sinful nature and weaknesses. These can only be cleansed and destroyed by Christ, as we need to overcome them to be restored to God and be sanctified—a spiritual battle that is a work of a lifetime. It involves denying oneself and overcoming all personal fears and obstacles. Just as I couldn’t break through the cobwebs on my own, we cannot gain victory over our challenges, fears, and obstacles by our own strength. It is only through faith and receiving the imparted power of Christ (by receiving His Spirit) that we can overcome and gain victory over all our sins and weaknesses.

I later learned that before this can happen, one must be born again in Christ and have the experience of Romans 8:1-13, which addresses true conversion, receiving the Spirit of Christ—the Holy Spirit—and being born again.

Similarly, just as the light faded when I got distracted and lost focus, so too will a Christian’s spiritual growth fade or die if they become distracted and lose sight of Christ (the light) due to worldly distractions. It requires full commitment, attention, and faith to stay focused on Christ to overcome all things.

The door behind the cobwebs represents Jesus Christ. Just as there was only one door, so too is Christ the only way to the Father and to receiving everlasting life. The light that shone through represents the Holy Spirit (the Spirit/life of Christ) that is received when a person accepts Christ. Once a person receives Christ, they gain the power to overcome all temptations and challenges. Only later did I fully understand this truth - "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Philippians 4:13).

The paradise I saw represents God’s new kingdom, promised to all of God’s redeemed, to be inherited for eternity. The balcony, which I could not yet cross, implies that God’s promised reward for His redeemed is conditional. Only if we personally accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour (which also involves true conversion, as described in Romans 6-8) and keep our faith until the end, will we receive eternal life in heaven and the new earth.


Vision 3:

I was shown two caves. At first glance, they appeared identical—there was nothing that seemed to distinguish one from the other. Perplexed, I asked God, "Why are You showing me two caves that look exactly the same?"

God replied, "Look again, very closely. They are not the same."

So, I looked again, but still, I couldn’t see any difference between them. I asked God once more, "I don’t see anything different."

Then God answered, "Look again, very closely."

Suddenly, it was as if a camera zoomed in a thousand times, magnifying every detail of the caves. I was led to examine them in tiny sections, piece by piece, over and over. After much careful searching—high and low, in every nook and cranny—I finally spotted something.  In the top right-hand corner of one cave, there was a tiny, minute dot, while the other cave in the same spot had none.


I asked God, "Is that it? Is that what I’m meant to see? One cave has a dot while the other doesn’t? But it’s just a tiny little dot—what’s so important about that?"

God answered, "Yes, it is very important. That tiny dot is what distinguishes them and makes the caves different."

I realised that, at first glance, those two caves seemed identical, but upon closer inspection, they were indeed different. Even though the difference was as small as a dot, it was enough to set them apart.

I asked God what this meant, and He showed me that just as these two caves appeared the same but were different upon closer inspection, the same is true of religions and denominations. They may seem to point to the same truth, but upon careful study, they are not the same. For example, the phrase "a god" is different from "the God." God showed me that we must be very careful when studying Scripture, paying special attention to even the smallest details. Just as there are many different religions and theories, only one can hold the truth, while the others are false. The Bible warns us: "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves" (Matthew 7:15), and "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them" (Matthew 7:20).

I learned that this is how careful we must be when studying Scripture, especially when discerning truth from error. God made it clear that it is often the tiniest additions or deletions that determine whether a doctrine is true or false. We must study the Bible in its entirety to understand its true meaning and not just pick out one verse or another and hastily form a conclusion, risking the danger of taking things out of context. These fine details, which are easily overlooked, neglected, or dismissed, can lead to false understandings and conclusions. I was later struck by the truth of this when I came across the verse: "But the word of the LORD was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little..." (Isaiah 28:13).

Therefore, to find the truth, we must be diligent and extremely careful, paying close attention to even the tiniest details when studying Scripture. It is these minute details that determine the difference between true and false doctrines, where one can lead to life and the other to death.


Vision 4:

Lastly, I was shown an image of my entire body. It was covered in dark spots and patches, a frightening sight that made me appear heavily diseased. The image filled me with dread.

I couldn’t help but ask God what it meant and why He had shown me such an unpleasant sight.  But God simply said, "Wait, it shall be revealed soon."

My curiosity only grew stronger, and I kept asking, "Why this image?" But again, God said, "Wait."

And that was it.  No matter how much I continued to ask, God ceased to answer. The scenes vanished, and I opened my eyes and returned to reality.

As I opened my eyes, it suddenly dawned on me that this entire hospital experience was the very answer to a prayer I had made to God just a month ago!  Despite the pain I was in, I couldn’t stop praising and thanking God for this revelation. I knew I had to quickly write everything down before the details slipped away.

So, I grabbed the notebook a friend had given me the day before during a visit and began to record everything, making sure not to miss or leave anything out.


After receiving the four visions:

The day after I received those four visions while still in hospital, I met a nurse named Iggy. He approached me with a knowing look and said he’d been told to come and see me because he knew I was eager to learn more about God. I was surprised but excited, and eagerly replied, "YES!"

Iggy then began to share a wealth of information about the Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) faith. He also gave me two books by Ellen G. White: The Great Controversy and Steps to Christ. Everything he shared provided further answers to the many questions that had been on my mind. He even addressed the conflicts I’d been wrestling with in the Presbyterian church, offering explanations that filled in the gaps and made God’s character and laws clearer to me, revealing them as none other than love and perfection.

I then told him about the four visions I had experienced, and he helped me understand their meanings. However, when we got to the fourth vision, Iggy said he knew what it meant and why God had told me to “wait”.  He explained that God knew I wasn’t ready at that time to receive it, but promised that He would reveal it to me later, in God’s own timing.  Iggy then suggested that after I recovered and was discharged from the hospital, I should visit his church, and when the time was right, God would reveal the meaning of that final vision.

About two weeks after being discharged from the hospital, I contacted Iggy and got the details of his church. For the first time, I attended a Seventh-day Adventist church (not part of the General Conference), and the people there were incredibly kind and welcoming.


One or two weeks after attending the church, I couldn’t wait any longer and asked Iggy if he could reveal the meaning of my fourth vision. By then, I was so eager and desperate to know that I was ready to accept whatever it might be. Iggy paused for a moment, as if silently praying, and then finally said, "I need to be sure that you are ready to hear and receive it, as it would involve drastic changes in your life if you accept it, which is why God told you to 'wait".

I immediately assured him that I was ready and willing to accept whatever it might be. That’s when Iggy revealed that my fourth vision was about "God’s Health Message," as outlined in the Bible.

To give you some context, before that time, I was like a total carnivore and a serious junk food addict! I was a heavy meat eater, addicted to coffee, chocolates, and soft drinks. My desk drawers were always filled with chocolate bars, candies, cookies, and chips, and I always had a 2-liter bottle of Coke under my desk, which I would easily finish by the end of the day—crazy, I know! I hardly drank any water, except what went into my coffees. The only thing that might have kept me alive back then was my love for raw fruits and veggies.


So, getting back to my fourth vision— Iggy told me that God wanted me to understand His health laws. He warned that if I continued eating the way I did, I would become very, very sick, which was symbolised by the dark spots and patches all over my body in the vision.


He went on to explain that God's health message is a call to health reform, specifically towards a plant-based diet. Although this was all very new to me, I was thrilled to hear about it, especially since it was connected to my fourth vision, so I knew I had to take it very seriously!

Eager to learn more, I was grateful when he later gave me several DVDs by Dr Walter Veith, all about nutrition and health. After much research and prayer, I finally made the switch to a plant-based diet.


Through this experience, I've come to believe that anyone who is truly sincere and genuinely seeking the truth will receive an answer. If we humble ourselves before God and earnestly plead for Him to show us the way, He will do just that!

"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened." (Matthew 7:7-8)

"If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?" (Matthew 7:11)

Please note:
When I received those four visions, my understanding of God and the Bible was quite limited. I believe God revealed those simple scenes to me in that way because He knew it was all I could comprehend at the time. Those four visions were the basic foundations, the stepping stones upon which I would continue to build as I grew in my spiritual walk with Christ.



PART 2 - Tony's Conversion (As told by Rosemary):

After following the SDA faith for about a year, my father, who had been battling cancer and embraced the Seventh-day Adventist faith during the last few months of his life, passed away in 2009. His death left my family and me disheartened, and we eventually drifted away from the faith, wandering back into the world.

I stopped attending church and reading the Bible, but I often found my thoughts returning to God, the life of Jesus, the SDA church I once attended, and the lovely brothers and sisters I had known and worshipped with. Each time those thoughts surfaced, I would say to myself, “Maybe one day I’ll go back, but how or when? I just don’t know…”

Though still interested in God, the loss of my father and other challenges left me unready to return. In 2010, I married my dear husband, Tony. At the time, he wasn’t a Christian and was as worldly as one could be. I assumed he had no interest in religion, so we rarely spoke about it.

Then, one Thursday morning in 2012, I woke up to get ready for work when I was suddenly startled by God’s voice calling out to me: “Come back to me, you and your children, for I have a place for you and them. If you love them, bring them to me.” At that time, I had an 11-month-old son and was a few months pregnant with our second child. I had already started to feel a longing to return to God but didn’t know how or where to begin.

After hearing His call, I fell to my knees and cried out, “Lord, I really want to; you know I do, but how? I’m stuck now. My husband is worldly, and he surely won’t accept this faith! If I come back to you, Lord, what will happen? Will we break up? How can I return to you now without considering his feelings? I’d be a terrible person if I did, and what would happen to him? Lord, I don’t know how this will work, but if you’re calling me back, there has to be a miracle! Please, Lord, make my husband accept you and your truth.”


Still trembling, I wiped my tears and continued getting ready for work. As usual, I drove to my mother’s house to drop off my son, and unable to hold back, I told her about God’s call to return to Him. As I expected, she didn’t take it well. She even went as far as to threaten me, saying, “NO, you mustn’t tell him anything about this religion. He won’t accept it and will think you’re crazy! You know how strict SDA is! He’ll never give up eating meat or accept the Sabbath. If you go through with this, he’ll break up with you, and you’ll be a divorced mother with a fatherless son and a baby on the way! Think carefully, for your children’s sake—do you want them to be fatherless?” She kept repeating, “DON’T DO IT! You hear me? DON’T DO IT!” Despite everything she said, I told her, “I’m sorry, but I’ve reached a point where I can’t go on like this anymore. I regret losing God once, and now I only wish to return to Him. I don’t know how it will happen, but I’m going to trust God and let Him make a way for me.”


That night, as I tossed and turned in bed, thinking about God’s call and my mother’s words, the Lord came to me again and told me to share the four visions I had four years ago with my husband. I was shocked and couldn’t understand why—surely he wouldn’t believe or care, just like my family. I was reluctant and didn’t want to do it, but God kept urging me to share it with him the next day. After hours of struggling with God, I finally agreed.


The following day, after my husband returned home from work and finished his dinner, I told him I had something to share. I began, “I don’t know what you’ll think, but God spoke to me last night and told me to share something that happened to me a few years back—my four visions.” By the way, this conversation took place on his birthday, and his response was something I never expected!


By the time I finished, he had tears in his eyes and found the words to say, “I believe God just answered me… You know, for the last few years, I’ve been searching for the truth about life and God, and a week ago, I started wanting to follow Jesus and be like Him, though I wasn’t sure where to start. Then today, you share your testimony with me—it’s truly amazing. God’s timing is perfect, and this is the best birthday gift ever!”


I felt ashamed and silly for doubting God and hesitating to share, yet I praised and thanked Him for guiding me to do so with such a wonderful outcome. I was deeply touched by how patient, long-suffering, and loving God was with me, even after my struggle with Him the night before. I was overjoyed to see how perfect God’s timing was, and I realised that His timing is always perfect—we just need to believe and trust in Him!


Everything went smoothly until a week later when I found myself tossing and turning in bed again, unable to sleep. The Lord came to me once more and told me to share His Ten Commandments with my husband, paying special attention to the fourth commandment—the Sabbath day.  Again, I was scared, uneasy, and reluctant.  I thought it might be too soon for him, and he might give up on Christianity altogether.  But God lovingly and persistently reminded me to “have faith and do as I say.”


That evening, after my husband finished his dinner, I told him God had spoken to me again the previous night and wanted me to share something else with him. To my surprise, he was excited and eager to hear more! I took out my Bible and began going through the first three commandments—no problems there. When we reached the fourth commandment, I warned him, “You might not like this one—it’s the commandment most denominations refuse to keep and make all sorts of excuses not to.” Then I explained how the seventh day falls from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset and how we should keep it holy and spend time with God.


Once again, to my surprise, he took it exceptionally well and even thought it was a great idea—“A day in a week where we can worship God and not worry about work or anything—that’s really good!” Surprised by his positive reaction, I confidently went through the rest of the commandments, praising God in my mind as I went. After we finished, my husband expressed how happy he was that I had shared it with him and believed he had finally found the truth he was searching for.


The next day, as I drove to my mother’s house to drop off my son before work, I was buzzing with excitement, eager to share how positively my husband had embraced the truth. But my mother remained sceptical. She cautioned, “Don’t get too excited just yet. Wait until he finds out he can’t eat meat—then he’ll know what he’s in for!” She even added, “I’m so sure he won’t be able to stick with it. But if Tony does give up meat completely, then I will too! And if that happens, I’ll believe this is truly a miracle from the God you serve, and I’ll also give up meat and follow God just like you.”


From that point on, my husband and I started studying the Bible together and received Bible lessons from an elder at our church who visited our home weekly. One day, my husband reached a point where he understood the Health Message and was convicted to give up unclean meats, and eventually made a complete switch to a vegetarian diet.


I joyfully went back to my mother and told her of my husband’s marvellous conversion, believing she would be as happy and excited as I was and would make the change as promised. But sadly, she did not and remained uninterested in the SDA/Bible truth.


Looking back, I realise that the first part of my Christian journey was filled with fear and doubt in the Lord’s capacity. It wasn’t until much later that I came to understand just how limitless He is! He is indeed the great Majestic and Almighty God who holds the entire galaxy in the palm of His hands! How foolish I was to think that anything could be too much for Him to handle!


“And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.” Matthew 17:20


But we must have the faith of Jesus, trust in Him, and be patient, for “… this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.” 1 John 5:14-15


Quite sadly, but true, it took many trials and much pain before I could truly grasp the depth of what the Lord meant when He said, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)


As I look back on my life, I realise that the root of all those fears and doubts was the belief that my problems were too insignificant for God. I always thought He must be too busy with more important people to worry about me. But the Bible reassures us: “Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows” (Luke 12:7). And again, “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” (Matthew 6:26).


Through it all, we can see that God loves us and truly cares about the “little things” in our lives. So let us be “Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer” (Romans 12:12), and remember, “They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31).


Part 3 - Divine Life Ministry:

After studying God's word for several years, we felt a strong calling from God to establish this ministry, sharing the gospel and the Three Angels' Message with others.

Our understanding of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit aligns with the early teachings of the Seventh-day Adventist Church but differs from the current stance of the General Conference of the SDA Church.  In 1980, the church changed its fundamental beliefs to accept the Trinity doctrine, which, in our view, strays from the teachings of the Bible and the truth revealed to our early church pioneers.


On this website, we also share many articles on the topic of Righteousness by Faith—Christ is Our Righteousness, a message sadly rejected by the SDA Church in 1888.

To learn more, please visit our Bible Studies page.


If you have any questions, feel free to contact Tony through our Facebook Page.

Here are some recommended videos to watch regarding the present truth:

We would recommend a video series titled "The Good News is Better Than You Think," offering a thorough exploration of the gospel. We strongly encourage everyone to watch the complete series.

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