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Quit Smoking
A continual craving for tobacco in some form. If the person smokes, there is irritation and inflammation of throat and lungs, chronic cough, chronic bronchitis, and premature aging of the skin. This eventually leads to lung cancer, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, emphysema, respiratory ailments, heart disease, stroke, and/or many other diseased conditions and cancers. Women will have intensified problems with menstruation and menopause, and men will have greater prostate trouble. Women who smoke age twice as fast as other women. Their skin rapidly ages; and the result is a dull, lifeless, gray, deteriorating complexion, and wrinkles. If one chews tobacco, there is irritation and inflammation of the lips, mouth, teeth, throat, and esophagus. This eventually leads to cancer of the lip, mouth, tongue, larynx, esophagus, pharynx, and other diseases.
Nicotine is remarkable for the vast number of harmful chemicals it naturally contains, and those which are added to it during growth or processing of the leaves. Nicotine is also remarkable for its addictive qualities. It ranks with heroin, and some who have been hooked on both declare it to be worse to quit than heroin. Like heroin, cocaine, and alcohol, tobacco gives a sense of relaxing while making the heart pump harder (12-25 beats per minute faster), causing palpitations and a generalized feeling of anxiety. For the smoker who takes the last puff before bedtime, the circulatory system is only normal 2 hours out of every 24. Each cigarette destroys 25 mg of vitamin C; a full pack in one day eliminates more of this vitamin than is in the diet. In America alone, tobacco causes 35% of all cancer deaths, 78% of all fatal heart attacks, 18% of deaths of all kinds, 85% of lung cancer, and 85% of obstructive pulmonary disease. More Americans die each year from smoking than from alcohol, illegal drugs, traffic accidents, murder, or suicide. Those coffin nails shorten lifespan by at least 15-20 years. These are some of the blessings you get from the nicotine: lead, carcinogens, cadmium, hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide, and over 5,000 other irritating chemicals in tobacco. Tobacco not only injures you, but it also damages those around you: your spouse, your children, your unborn, and fellow workmen. Did you know that the breath of a smoker contains slightly more nicotine than the side smoke from his cigarette? Men and women who smoke are constantly exhaling air into the room for their children to breathe.
• Withdrawal symptoms include cough, depression, anxiety, headaches, stomach cramps, irritability, hunger, and cravings for tobacco. This continues for about 2 weeks. If supplementary treatment is given, the crisis can be weathered easier, and with less likelihood of a return to smoking.
• In order to quit, it is best to accompany a firm decision with a cleansing program. This helps speed up the elimination of stored-up nicotine and other poisons. The quicker this happens, the faster the cravings cease.
• A nutritious diet must be adhered to. Carrot juice and citrus juices are very helpful. Vitamin C is important.
• Take the tobacco pack or can and throw it away. In its place put a candy bar. Blood sugar level is a factor in the addiction. When the cravings are successful gone, throw away the candies.
• Take extra calcium and eat chamomile 3-6 times a day. Both will help relax during the withdrawal period. Vitamin B complex is also important for the nerves.
• Lobelia contains lobeline, which is similar to nicotine. It is non-addictive, but helps a person quit tobacco. Here is how to use it in aversion therapy.
• Only smoke one hour each day, at which time 15 drops of lobelia, diluted in water, are swallowed every half an hour and then 15 minutes before lighting the first cigarette. With each 15-minute period, an additional 15 drops are added to the water to drink—while the cigarettes are smoked. The result will be nausea, which the person will associate with the cigarettes. This kills the desire for the cigarettes. • If the lobelia method is not used, the alternative must be a definite quit all at once approach. See the author's book.
HYDRO Therapy:
Here are suggestions from the author's book, Water Therapy Manual (see order sheet):
Heating and Sweating Packs are also used for the elimination of nicotine from the body, which lessens the physical craving for more tobacco (p. 64). The Steam Bath is also useful in tobacco addictions (p. 131).
Eliminating the tobacco habit: Drop the drug at once. Put him to bed. Sweating procedures (such as Radiant Heat Bath, Steam Bath, sweating Wet Sheet Pack), twice daily; follow with short cold application, as Shallow Cold Bath, Wet Sheet Rub, or Cold Douche. Alternate hot and cold Compress to spine 3 times a day; Hot Abdominal Pack day and night, renewing 3 times daily; copious water drinking; large Colonic daily (p. 192).
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