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Righteousness by Faith - Part 1

Understanding Righteousness

Righteousness is a gift which is given to us when we receive Christ. This righteousness consists of:

The Two covenants

In 2 Corinthians 3:5,6, the apostle Paul makes a statement which brings this issue into focus and very clearly explains what message, what ministry God has given us.

The Law is not the issue

The problem with legalism is that it leads to the perspective where God is viewed through legal eyes. The emphasis becomes The law of God, instead of the God of the law.

The year 1888 in SDA

The year 1888 is a year of significance for Seventh-day Adventists. In that year two young ministers brought a special message which contained the formula for revival to the church. Many believe that this message was never received by the SDA church.

The Everlasting Gospel

The phrase, “the everlasting gospel,” is one that every Adventist is very familiar with. We all know the three angels' messages inside out. They have been the central focus, the key teaching of the movement, ever since it started more than a hundred and sixty years ago.

Righteousness by Faith

Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference: (Rom 3:22)

What is the Old Covenants?

What Covenants did God make with Israel? What was the problem with that Covenant? What Covenant is in place today?

Ten Rules or God’s nature?

It is very important that we recognize that the ten commandments were a type just like all the other laws. This is where the mistake lies.

No longer under the law

First of all, what is the law? This seems like a foolish question, but it is a very necessary one.

The End of The Law

Some of us may be alarmed at the title of this article, however the phrase is a perfectly legitimate biblical statement taken from the writings of the apostle Paul and it can be found in Romans 10:4.

Under The Law

For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace. (Rom 6:14)

Without The Law

In seeming contradiction the Bible speaks of a righteousness which is “without the law.” If righteousness is defined by the law, how can there be righteousness, “without the law” as Paul describes?

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