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Sharp Cheddar Cheeze

 Amazingly delicious! And in my opinion tastes better than the real thing!
Recommended to newly vegans who needs a real cheese replacement!


Part A:

2 Cups raw cashews – soaked in water for at least 4 hours & drained

2/3 Cup Nutritional Yeast flakes

½ Cup Rejuvelac (see below for the recipe) / or Water with 2-4 Tbsp Lemon juice

2 Tbsp Olive Oil, Grape Seed Oil, Canola Oil or Rice Bran Oil

1/4 Cup Water

2 Tbsp Medium Brown Miso

1.5 tsp Salt (You might like to start with 1 tsp, but I like it with 1.5-2 tsp as it makes the cheese taste more prominent especially on bread or crackers)


Part B:

2 Tbsp Agar Powder (use 1 Tbsp for a softer, smoother texture)

1/2 tsp Xanthan Gum





  1. Place all of Part A ingredients into a blender and process until smooth and creamy.
  2. Taste and adjust more salt if desired.  Please bear in mind that it will taste a little saltier at first but after letting it sit for a while, the tang that develops will balance out the saltiness nicely.
  3. Transfer the mixture to a clean container, cover and let rest at room temperature for 24-72 hours, depending on how sharp a flavor you prefer.
  4. Transfer mixture to a saucepan and add in the Agar Powder and Xanthan Gum, roughly stir to evenly mix and incorporate the powders into the mixture before placing on heat.
  5. Cook stirring constantly on medium heat.  At first, the mixture will look grainy and clumpy, but it will eventually smooth out after about 4-5 minutes.
  6. Transfer cheese to a container or mold and smooth the top.
  7. Let the cheese completely cool down at room temperature
  8. Cover the cheese and refrigerate for at least 7 hours until firm.

Please note: It can be stored in an airtight container or cling wrap for several weeks.  Can add Turmeric for a nicer yellow colour, but I did not do it this time. 


This cheese doesn’t really melt, if you want it to melt better add 1/3 cup of oil instead of 2 Tbsp.



Makes 2 Cups

What you need:

  • 1 Small Glass/Sprouting jar
  • 1 Big Glass/Sprouting jar
  • 1 Cup of Wheat Berries (as in picture), or you can also use other grains such as Rye, Quinoa, Buckwheat, Brown Rice, Millet etc (I actually found Rye sprouted faster and produced a nicer Rejuvelac compared to the other grains.
  • Paper Hand Towel
  • Big rubber band



  1. Place the 1 cup of Rye or Wheat berries (which ever your using) into a clean sprouting Jar and fill with water. Place a screen top or paper hand towel on the top securing with a rubber band. This is to keep any insects out and from contaminating your grain.
  2. The grain needs to be soaked this way for 24 hours.
  3. Then drain off the water and leave the berries in the jar.
  4. Place the screen top or paper towel on top of the jar with the rubber band and let it set in a warm place for 2-3 days or when you start to see little sprout tails appear on most or all of the grains.  You will need to wash and rinse the grains 2-3 times a day until the sprout tails appear.
  5. Once the grains have sprouted tails, wash and rinse again and place in a large sprouting jar and add 4 cups of water to it. Cover the top with screen top or paper towel that allows air to circulate. Let it sit for 2-3 days.
  6. The water will get cloudy and little bubbles will form.
  7. Taste it – it should taste clean and fresh with a hint of tang.
  8. Strain the liquid off the wheat berries – this is your rejuvelac.
  9. You can store the rejuvelac in a covered glass jar in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.
  10. You can reuse the wheat berries to make a second batch, just add more water to it. It should only take a day or so.

          Repeat the process and discard the sprouted wheat berries.

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