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Righteousness by Faith - Part 3

21 things happened in AD 31 for the first time

There are 21 things which happened in AD 31 for the first time:

Duty of Ministers to Present the Message of Righteousness by Faith

The following paragraphs furnish most excellent and appropriate counsel to ministers and other gospel workers,..

God Alone is Good

As we have emphasized over and over, God alone is good (Matt. 19:17; Rev. 15:4). There is no place or person in the universe where goodness may be found unless God is dwelling there.

Is Justification, Salvation?

When we talk about salvation today, most Christians tend to focus on justification. In fact one of the phrases that is used to describe the message of righteousness in Christ, is, “Justification By Faith.”

The Covenants Confusion

There is something very wrong with the way many Seventh-day Adventists understand the two covenants.

The Two Adams

To show what I saw, I want to ask a couple questions. Whose life do you have? You may be thinking, “What a silly question – I have my life!”

Do Works Justify?

Recently I criticized the use of a certain word by James, in his epistle addressed to the 12 tribes. In chapter 2 of this epistle James writes:

Genuine Freedom

In the beginning, God created one man. We have no record that God ever again created anyone from that time until today....

God’s governing principle

In all the universe, no other government operates on the same profound principle as that of God.

Perfected Forever

Very early in my experience as a Christian I developed a strong desire to be perfect.

The Law And The Gospel

The Letter versus the Spirit, Old Covenant versus New....

The Yoke of Bondage

Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. (Gal 5:1)

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