Whore of Babylon
IDENTITY 1 - Revelation 17:1 ...'I will show unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters.'
So this church, the whore of babylon, sits upon many waters. What does this mean? Well, if we let the Bible interpret itself, we can find out the answer ... Revelation 17:15 ...'And he saith unto me, the waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.' ... So the waters represent the people and nations around the world. And if you sit upon something, then you are being supported by that object. So this is a church that has WORLDWIDE support from all different people and nations. Did you know that the Roman Catholic Church is the biggest church in the world with over 1 BILLION members?
IDENTITY 2 - Revelation 17:2 ...'the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.'
"I learned much from the Order of the Jesuits, said Hitler ... Until now, there has never been anything more grandiose, on the earth, than the hierarchical organization of the Catholic Church. I transferred much of this organization into my own party." (Hermann Rauschning, former national-socialist chief of the government of Dantzig: 'Hitler m'a dit', (Ed. Co-operation, Paris 1939, pp.266, 267, 273 ss).
So this is a church that has influenced kings thoughout the past 2000 years and continues to have 'diplomatic relations' with nations all over the world. Now we know from history that the popes of the Roman Catholic Church certainly had 'authority' over the kings of the earth, which is how the Catholic Church was able to have so many Christians killed during the dark ages and inquisitions.
Take a look at this quote from 2007 ... "The Catholic Church is the only religious institution that can enter into diplomatic relations and that interests itself in international rights, acting through the Holy See, an international sovereign subject of singular characteristics." (Monsignor Pietro Parolin, Undersecretary for Relations with States, http://www.zenit.org/en/articles/holy-see-insists-that-it-has-right-to-speak)
This is an amazing quote in which the Catholic undersecretary unwittingly confirms the Roman Catholic Church as being the whore of Babylon! It is the ONLY religious institution that can have diplomatic relations with the 'kings of the world'. Amazing!
Also, the inhabitants of the earth have certainly been made drunk with the false teachings (wine) of the Catholic Church. Not only are there over 1 BILLION Catholics deceived by her teachings, even the majority of Protestant Christians still hold onto some Catholic false doctrines, like the Sunday sabbath, eternal hell fire, immortal soul, etc..
Image, cross and relic adoration; Intercession of Mary; Prayers to Mary and the saints; Mass; Confession to priests; Purgatory; Prayers for the dead; Holy water; Lent; Penances; Processions; Pilgrimages; Celibacy of clergy; Monkery. None of these are Biblical institutions. Instead they are borrowed from Paganism and have been adopted by the harlot church of Rome.
IDENTITY 3 - Revelation 17:4 ...'And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and Whore of Babylondecked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication.'
So the main colours of this church, the whore of Babylon is Purple and Scarlet. And it is also a very wealthy church that is decked out with gold and precious stones. Did you know that the main colours of the Bishops and Cardinals in the Catholic Church are Purple and Scarlet? And did you know that the Roman Catholic Church is one of, if not THE most wealthiest institution in the world? With the Vatican being decked out with gold and precious stones? And if you look at some of the coins that the Vatican has had produced, you will see images of a woman with a golden cup in her hand on them. Blatantly boasting of who she is!
This cup full of abominations is also a symbol that the sins of this church are so great and full that they reach even unto heaven. And the sins of the Roman Catholic Church are immense, with it's idolatry, murder, child abuse and so on, that she has committed throughout her history, and CONTINUES to commit.
The Roman Catholic Church is a blending of Paganism with Christianity. Throughout history there had been Pagan 'gods' that presided over every aspect of man's life. And when the Roman Catholic Church began to rise to power, she gathered all these Pagan 'gods' and 'baptized' them as 'Christian'. So we have a church that is full of idols and relics that the people venerate (worship) and so called dead 'saints' (Pagan gods) that they pray to. And the Pagan 'queen of heaven' became Mary who is now worshiped by Catholics. Not only that, the Roman Catholic Church is guilty of murdering MILLIONS of people and abusing COUNTLESS little children and women!
IDENTITY 4 - Revelation 17:5 ...'And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.'
There is no 'mystery' church today like the Roman Catholic Church. But notice that she is the "MOTHER of harlots". While Revelation 17 deals more with the 'MOTHER', when we speak about Babylon in general, we cannot refer to the Roman Catholic Church alone, because as you can see, she has a family. She has 'daughter' churches who follow her and her creeds instead of God's Word. And just look at the churches of the world today, like the Orthodox, Church of England, Lutheran, Evangelical, Methodist, etc, etc. They have all held onto the false teachings [wine] of 'Mother' Rome. They put more value in their own creeds than they do the Word of God, and they are all now uniting with their mother [Rome] in this ecumenical movement today.
This is so important friends! Many people look at the Roman Catholic Church as Babylon, and yet fail to see that their very own so called 'Protestant' church is also 'fallen', being a 'daughter' of Mother Rome and is just as much 'Babylon' as the Roman Church!
And what church is the "MOTHER" of abominations of the earth? Literal Babylon from the Old Testament is the original mother of abominations, but the Roman Catholic Church is the spiritual mother of abominations that took on many of the Pagan customs of original Babylon.
IDENTITY 5 - Revelation 17:6 ...'And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.'
So this church, the whore of Babylon is drunk with the blood of the saints. Now notice that it doesn't say she just has the blood of saints on her hands. It says that she is DRUNK with the blood of God's people. So this church is guilty of not just killing a few Christians. She is guilty of killing MANY, MANY of God's people. Did you know that the Roman Catholic Church has caused TENS OF MILLIONS of Christians to be persecuted and brutally murdered? Yes, this woman is the Roman Catholic Church indeed!
IDENTITY 6 - Revelation 17:18 ...'And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.'
Now many people look at this verse and proclaim "BABYLON IS A CITY, IT'S NEW YORK!!", and they totally disregard all the other characteristics of Babylon, which show that the whore of Babylon cannot just be a literal city like New York. BUT, if we take ALL the indentification marks together, including this city one, then we can see who it is. We know from the evidence that Babylon the Great is a church. So how can we bring this church and city together? Well, what is the one city which is also a church that "reigns" over the nations of the world? What one city, which is also a church has diplomatic relations with virtually all the world's nations? VATICAN CITY!
The papacy is so influential and powerful that nearly every major country consults her before making major policy moves. "Her large diplomatic corps maintains relations with more than 100 nations." (U.S. News and World Report, October 30, 1978, p. 24)
IDENTITY 7 - Revelation 17:6 ...'and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.'
What is the one church that people would look at with awe and wonder? The Roman Catholic Church, with all her splendor and pomp. Millions of people flock to the Vatican each year and wonder at the "majesty" and splendor of the place.
Not only that, the true definition of this verse is that John wondered with great 'amazement'. Why? This verse is tied in with the persecution by this power upon God's people. But John already saw great persecution upon God's people at the hands of Pagan Rome. So why the 'astonishment'? It is because John sees an actual professed Christian church doing the persecution and killing God's people. This was an astonishment to John! The angel showed him the blood that the Roman Church, a professed church of Christ, was to spill in the name of Jesus. And this was perplexing and an astonishment to him.
IDENTITY 8 - Revelation 17:3 ...'and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.'
This beast is the same as the red 'dragon' we find in Revelation chapter 12. Now Revelation 12 tells us that the dragon is Satan, 'that old serpant called the devil.' But we need to add some logic to this. Why does the dragon have seven heads and ten horns? The same as the beast in Revelation 13? And Revelation 17 tells us that those ten horns represent kings/kingdoms. So logic would tell us that this dragon does not only represent satan, but also a civil power. But which civil power? Revelation 12 gives us a strong clue ...
Revelation 12:4 ...'and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.'
So the dragon waited for this child to be born to kill him. And who is the child? Well, Revelation 12:5 tells us that he was 'caught up to God and His throne.' There is only one MALE child which ended up going to heaven and more specifically to God's own throne. And that was Jesus Christ. So this child whom Satan wanted to devour as soon as He was born was Jesus. And who did Satan use to try and kill Jesus when He was born? The ROMAN EMPIRE. So this red dragon also represents the Roman Empire, which started out as Pagan Rome, then became Papal Rome.
So which civil power does Revelation 17 tell us the woman gets her 'seat' and 'authority' from? Rome! And who did the Roman Catholic Church get her seat and authority from? Yes, Rome!
And what about the 'ten horns', which are 'ten kings'? If you know about history, you will know that the Roman Empire split into the original ten kingdoms of Europe when it fell. This is represented by the 'ten toes' of the feet of Nebuchadnezzar's image in Daniel 2 and the 'ten horns' on the dragon and beast of Revelation 12, 13, and 17. These are the kings of Europe who gave their power to the Papacy during the dark ages, and as we are seeing today, are giving their power over to the Papacy once more!
So who is the whore of Babylon, that 'MOTHER of harlots? She is the Roman Catholic Church, and the fallen Protestant churches are her 'daughters'. No other church, religion, kingdom or institution matches this 'mother of harlots' like the Church of Rome does. And God is calling His people out of Babylon. It's not just the Roman Catholic Church that God is calling His people out of. The majority of Protestant churches have now 'fallen' also and are part of Babylon, as the 'daughters' There is a great ecumenical movement happening today that is uniting all churches and faiths together. So if your church still teaches the 'wine' of Babylon and accepts this ecumencial movement, then you need to come out of that church also!