Ephesians Introduction
The Book of Ephesians, attributed to the Apostle Paul, is a profound letter addressed to the church in Ephesus. This epistle covers broad themes of unity, reconciliation, and the spiritual blessings in Christ. Written while Paul was imprisoned, Ephesians emphasizes the majestic scope of God's eternal plan for humanity and the church's central role in it. It provides rich theological insights into the nature of the church as the body of Christ and guides believers on how to conduct their lives in light of their heavenly calling.
Chapter 1
Ephesians 1 highlights the spiritual blessings bestowed upon believers in Christ. Paul begins with a greeting and quickly delves into a doxology praising God for the blessings of being chosen, adopted as children of God, redeemed, forgiven, and given insight into His will. The chapter emphasizes the roles of the Father, who initiates salvation, and His Son, Jesus Christ, through whom salvation is accomplished. Believers are marked by the presence of God's Spirit as a sign of their inheritance, a promise of future redemption. It concludes with a prayer for wisdom and revelation so that believers may know God more deeply and understand the hope of His calling.
Chapter 2
This chapter presents a vivid contrast between the former state of the Ephesians as dead in trespasses and sins, and their new life in Christ. Paul explains how Gentiles, once alienated from the covenants of promise, have been brought near by Christ's blood. The chapter famously declares that salvation is by grace through faith, not from works, to prevent boasting. It concludes by describing Gentile believers as fellow citizens with the saints and members of God’s household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus Himself as the cornerstone.
Chapter 3
In Chapter 3, Paul reveals the mystery hidden for ages but now disclosed to the apostles and prophets by the Spirit: that Gentiles are co-heirs with Israel, members of the same body, and sharers in the promise in Christ Jesus. Paul reflects on his role as the minister of this mystery and prays for the Ephesians’ spiritual empowerment. He asks that they might understand the vast dimensions of Christ’s love and be filled with the fullness of God, emphasizing the power at work within believers to accomplish abundantly more than all they ask or imagine.
Chapter 4
Paul urges the Ephesians to live in a manner worthy of their calling, with humility, gentleness, and patience, bearing with one another in love. This chapter focuses on unity and diversity within the body of Christ, teaching that Christ has given various gifts to equip believers for works of service, building up the body. It calls for a new standard of conduct—putting off the old self and putting on the new, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. Paul instructs them to speak truthfully and avoid behavior that grieves the Holy Spirit.
Chapter 5
Ephesians 5 discusses Christian living, emphasizing the imitation of God and living in love, as Christ loved us. It warns against immorality, impurity, and greed, urging believers to live wisely and make the most of every opportunity. The latter part of the chapter addresses household relationships, particularly between husbands and wives, framing marriage as a profound mystery that reflects Christ's relationship with the church. Wives are encouraged to submit to their husbands as to the Lord, and husbands are commanded to love their wives as Christ loved the church.
Chapter 6
The final chapter continues with instructions for children, parents, and servants, emphasizing obedience in the Lord and mutual respect. Paul concludes with an extended metaphor of the armor of God, urging believers to stand firm against the devil’s schemes. He describes the spiritual armor necessary for this battle—truth, righteousness, the gospel of peace, faith, salvation, the Word of God, and prayer. Paul's closing remarks request prayers for his boldness in preaching the gospel and include final greetings, emphasizing grace for all who love Jesus Christ with an undying love.